
Visit and Discover Bocas by the hand of local people

We are a 100% Bocas del Toro company. We can take you to great places at local prices. We will take you to the most exuberant places in Bocas del Toro. We make your vacation a wonderful experience.


Our Tours And Services in 2021

You can book your activities while in mouth or before you arrive, it does not matter how far in advance the reservation is.


Cayo Zapatilla Tour

The most exuberant places in Bocas.
Dolphins, snorkeling, sloth island and Cayo Zapatilla.

Contacto natural

Playa de Las Estrellas

Visit Bird Island, Boca del Drago and Star Beach in the same day.

Tour de snorkeling

Tour Guiado

Enjoy the marine environment in our exclusive snorkeling site.

Sea Trek®

In Bocas

Sea Trek®

Meet the bottom of the sea without swimming

With the innovative Sea Trek® helmet, you`ll be able to walk and breathe on the bottom of the sea, just like on the surface!

You’ll be welcomed into a special area, where the guides explain the simple use of the Sea Trek® helmet and about the activity. Next, you must try on the helmet; it must fit well to enjoy the activity.

Afterwards, you will descend some steps to the seabed. This descent is little by little, so you become familiarized to the water environment and the use of the helmet. Once you reach the bottom, you will be guided by a path marked by railings, for a more comfortable underwater walk.

Breathe in a natural way and enjoy the scenery that surrounds you!

Scuba Diving

Our Tours And Services in 2021

You can book your activities while in mouth or before you arrive, it does not matter how far in advance the reservation is.

Fun Dive

For Certified Divers

We will take you to the best places to dive on Bocas


Your First Diving Experience

A quick and easy introduction into what it takes to explore the underwater world.


Certificated with US

PADI® or RAID® Open Water Diver is the first scuba certification level..

Our Video Blog

Tips, Tours and More

Natural Contact Tour

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Stars Beach Tour

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Shuttle Boquete-Bocas

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Bocas Ferry

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Exuberance Tour

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Carenero Island

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Office Location

Visit US in Bocas Del Toro Downtown


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Booking Policies



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